Hidden taxes

We have been working on a post revealing the hidden taxes with which we are all faced. Lo and behold, a vehicle registration renewal showed up in the mail.


By our calculations, the fees (read hidden taxes) came to 65% of the registration fee. Since the registration fee is already a tax, we are paying 65% tax on a tax – go figure. Governments are insatiable when it comes to grabbing our money. Another question comes to mind – what does Cameron county do with the vehicle registration fees (other than pay the bureaucrats to collect them)? The county roads in Arroyo City are not maintained, residents make their own repairs. The other roads in the community are maintained by TxDot. What a rip-off!

Our county government is not serving us.

The Samaritan Woman

Today, February 26, we celebrate the feast day of St. Photini – better known as the Samaritan Woman.


Saint Photini lived in 1st century Palestine and was the woman that Christ met at the well in Samaria as recorded in the Gospel according to John (4:4-26). After her encounter with Christ, she and her whole family were baptized by the Apostles and became evangelists of the early Church. Photini and her children eventually were summoned before the emperor Nero and instructed to renounce their faith in Christ. They refused to do so, accepting rather to suffer various tortures. After many efforts to force her to surrender to idolatry, the emperor ordered that she be thrown down a well. Photini gave up her life in the year 66, may her memory be eternal.



All illumined by the Holy Spirit, thou didst drink with great and ardent longing of the waters Christ Saviour gave unto thee; and with the streams of salvation wast thou refreshed, which thou abundantly gavest to those athirst. O Great Martyr and true peer of Apostles, Photini, entreat Christ God to grant great mercy unto us.


Photini the glorious, the crown and glory of the Martyrs, hath this day ascended to the shining mansions of Heaven, and she calleth all together to sing her praises, that they might be recompensed with her hallowed graces. Let us all with faith and longing extol her gladly in hymns of triumph and joy.

Harlingen Humane Society

The Harlingen Humane Society is having its monthly low cost veterinary clinic on March 7 between 9 am and 12:30 pm. This clinic is not restricted to Harlingen residents, but is open to all in the Valley. Please spread the word and take advantage of this great deal.

If you want to get more information, please call the Society – their number is on the flyer.

For those unfamiliar with Arroyo City News, you can view a larger picture of the flyer by simply clicking on it.

Batten down the hatches!

Islamic leaders in the U.S. are teaching their faithful they don’t have to follow U.S. law. Speaking at an event in Austin, Texas called Muslim Capitol Day, Mustafa Carroll, executive local director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) told the crowd that they were literally above the law. “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Carroll. Carroll’s remarks conformed to statements made by other CAIR leaders. CAIR co-founder Omar M. Ahmad has said “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant” and the Quran “should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”


We had better watch out! We are under attack and are doing nothing about it. Obama and his administration promoted Islam and have created an enormous problem for our country. Our children are being indoctrinated and having Islam shoved down their throats in school while being prohibited from expressing any Christian beliefs. This is plain wrong! No matter what anyone says, this is a Christian country and we need to keep it that way. Muslim countries ban Christian worship, we should ban Muslim worship. Muslims need to fix their own countries before trying to “fix” ours.

Elections 2020



“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” – Thomas Jefferson

Early voting is now open – if you can’t make it on voting day be sure to make your voice heard by voting early. From Arroyo City the most convenient location is in Rio Hondo at the ISD main office across the road from Mike’s supermarket. Here are the hours, don’t make any excuse for not showing up.


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